Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 4 recap and ending explained: What [SPOILER] means (2025)

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has been a delight thus far. The brand new Disney Plus series has opened up a different area of the classic Star Wars lore that we aren't as familiar with, showcasing the world of the family-friendly At Attin and its mysterious history. We don't know the secrets behind this seemingly idyllic landscape, but nobody believes it exists, so that makes it extremely eyebrow-raising.

The series is also a first for the Star Wars franchise as it is the first to feature kids as its protagonists, and that instantly sets it apart from all of its predecessors in the extensive Lucasfilm shared universe. The first three episodes have benefitted from that a great deal, too, as the adventures of Wim, Fern, KB, and Neel have been incredibly enjoyable since they first took flight. And that's not to take anything away from Jude Law's Jod, whose history as a pirate make it hard to know whose side he is on, and the lovable-and-also-slightly-terrifying droid SM-33.

If there is one character who hasn't had as much focus as the rest of his adventurers, it's Neel. But that is no longer the case, as the fourth episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew places the focus on him.

Neel takes center stage

The episode, aptly titled "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin", opens with the crew arriving at At Attin?! Well, no; they thought it was At Attin, but it turns out that it's only one in a series of apparent "At" planets.

The ship lands on At Achrann, on which they quickly figure out that it isn't their home planet. It looks like At Attin, with similar structures and buildings, but it's a broken shell of a planet, surrounded by ash and fog, and in the middle of a war. Wim, Fern, KB, and Neel begin searching off-ship when they are cornered by two young warriors of the Troik, who hide them from an approaching army named the Hattan Patrol.

It turns out that the planet is in the midst of a war between the Troik and the Hattan Patrol. Hayna, the young warrior who saved the kids, takes them back to their base (in At Achrann's version of the school) where they meet her father, General Strix: The leader of the Troik. He seems kind when he recognizes that kids have a voice too and should be treated as equals. Although, that also has a downside.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 4 recap and ending explained: What [SPOILER] means (1)

Strix reveals that the Hattan Patrol has stolen their eopies and that they are going to confront them to get them back. But Hayna wants to help the off-worlders and asks her father to take them to the Fallen Sanctum. He refuses to because he's not sure if they are ready, but he does offer them the chance to prove themselves by trying out some of their weaponry - something that Wim absolutely loves.

Neel, on the other hand, doesn't believe in fighting, so Hayna takes him for a walk. She reveals the Troik's biggest weapon, which just makes Neel even more sad. He tells her that on At Attin there is no fighting, and while that might make him weak in her eyes, it's a lovely place without war where people are kind to each other. She ponders over that, wondering what a life without war might have looked like, before smiling and telling him that she has never met anyone like him before.

General Strick proves himself to be questionable indeed when he tells the kids that they will be the ones leading them in their raid against the Hattan Patrol. Neel is terrified to follow his friends into battle, so Hayna steps forward and tells her father that she will accompany him. Strick doesn't like it, but he'll allow it.

On the road, they all stop out of fear when they hear a noise coming through the fog. Then, Jod appears - seemingly having survived an earlier run-in with the Hattan Patrol. He then leads the stolen eopie back to the Troik, much to everyone's surprise. It turned out that the Hattan Patrol were willing to let him and SM-33 go when they traded some Republic credits for the eopie. Wim wasn't happy to know that Jod used the credits, but he accepted it since it literally saved their lives.

General Strick offered Jod a reward in return for his services and he accepted, requesting the four children join him by his side. The kids - particularly Fern - are stunned by his heroics, potentially even seeing this as a major step towards actually trusting him.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 4 recap and ending explained: What [SPOILER] means (2)

Skeleton Crew episode 4 ending explained: So close, but so far

Having survived their time on At Achrann, the gang are allowed to visit the Fallen Sanctum to look at the ancient scrolls that may or may not feature the coordinates to At Attin. Hayna directs them there, but she can't come with them as she must return to her father. She kisses Neel on the cheek and tells him that his apparent "weakness" makes him kind and that she longs for a world like the one he described. She then leaves and allows them to carry on with their mission.

SM-33 continues to say "Can't say I remember no At Attin" every time someone mentions the kid's home planet and it turns out that there is indeed a purpose for that. Upon arriving, Jod and the kids discover that there are indeed maps to all of the At planets. However, At Attin's was destroyed. It's at this moment that 33 reveals he did it upon the orders of his own captain.

Fern deduces that his former captain told him to forget the coordinates and forced a memory override on him. The droid then reveals that the captain found the coordinates to At Attin and told him to destroy them, and anyone else who came looking for it. That then leads to him extending his own limbs and threatening all of the kids. Neel saves the group from imminent danger, with the distraction allowing Jod to sneak up behind 33 and switch him off. Neel then faints as everyone congratulates him on his bravery.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 4 recap and ending explained: What [SPOILER] means (3)

Yes, the crew are one step closer to finding At Attin. However, with the only entity who knows where the planet is now switched off (and, you know, threatening to attack everyone who inquires about the planet), their lead has dried up... for now. But still, there is hope.

What isn't so hopeful is the fact that someone else is on their way to At Attin. The mysterious planet has been safe and serene for years, but it seems that a pirate is on their way to find the treasure - a pirate who was willing to have a droid help them slaughter their entire crew so that they can have it all for themselves.

Speaking of pirates, it's also worth noting that Jod had multiple opportunities to turn on the kids and proceeded to save them. Yes, Skeleton Crew very much wants us to believe that he is simply looking for the treasure and he needs the kids to get them there, but he shows up for them... which is more than Fern thought he would do. He also didn't flinch when Neel hugged him, and even pulled Wim in for a half-hug too (even if that might have been for the benefit of those watching).

There is more to Jod than meets the eye, and there is certainly more to this story, too.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew releases new episodes every Tuesday at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 4 recap and ending explained: What [SPOILER] means (2025)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.